Google Analytics 101

Guides, written in plain english, covering the basics of what Google Analytics is, the terminology used, how to get started, and how to get the most out of Visual Analytics.

Understanding Google Analytics

What is Google Analytics?

Take a look at what Google Analytics is, what it can do and what it can't.

How does Google Analytics work?

Understand how Google Analytics actually captures your website traffic data.

Why should I use Google Analytics?

Walk through some of the reasons you should use analytics to track your website traffic.

Why should I use Visual Analytics?

Why you should to use Visual Analytics as your first point of reference for analyzing your Google Analytics data.

Getting Started with Google Analytics

Getting started with Google Analytics - WordPress

A step by step guide for getting Google Analytics up and running on your WordPress website.

Getting started with Google Analytics - Custom

A step by step guide for getting Google Analytics up and running on your custom website or application.

How to navigate your Google Analytics dashboard

Understand how to navigate around your Google Analytics dashboard, as well as how to apply filters and drill down.

How to create custom dashboards in Google Analytics

Understand how to create your own custom dashboards within Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Terminology


Covers the basic terminology used in web analytics.


Terminology used to define the different ways that users get to your website.


Web analytics is all about measuring things. Understand what the metrics are and why they matter.


Covers more advanced terminology not covered in the other sections.